The History Behind the Pot De Crème Cup

The History Behind the Pot De Crème Cup
Photography by Tanya L. Cooper

Antique sets of pot de crème cups can be difficult to find but are well worth the hunt. Colorado Springs, Colorado, collector Tommie Tennison saw her first set almost 50 years ago in an antiques store in Alexandria, Virginia. She didn’t know what they were at the time, but found herself drawn to the diminutive pots and asked the dealer about them. After realizing that they were created for a French dessert, she began making the recipe from a famous Paris chocolatier to accompany her beautiful pot de crème cups.

Since then, her collection has grown by the dozens, but her original set remains the favorite because of its role in inspiring her to continue collecting. Tommie still feels exhilarated when she finds a new set, but it is the sharing of the story—and the delightful dessert— that means the most. “I think I enjoy the friendship of sharing the pots de crème with others as much as the collection itself,” she says. These tiny treasures continue to delight admirers with a taste for beauty as well as chocolate.