Celebrate May Day with a Traditional May Basket

The Gift of Spring—May Baskets
Photography by Kindra Clineff

If the doorbell rings on May Day and nobody is in sight when you answer, check the doorknob for a very special delivery.

Text by Tovah Martin

It’s a dewy spring morning with just a glint of sparkle gleaming on the season’s unfurling sprouts. The pansies are peeking their brave blossoms through the matted leaves, daffodils are brandishing blossoms, and the orchard is a lacework of apple blossoms. You were blithely listening to the birds twittering their songs when the doorbell rings. But when you glance out the window, you see someone scampering away and giggles pierce the early spring air as little messengers disappear down the driveway. You should have suspected when you turned the page on the calendar; it’s the first day of May, and mischief is afoot.

The Gift of Spring—May Baskets
Photography by Kindra Clineff